
Our Foodies’ Favourite Food Tour takes you down the cobbled stoned streets of Copenhagen and into the heart of the Danish kitchen. Within the last decade the nordic cuisine has become famous all over the world with the concept New Nordic. With this concept one must cook after the season, with raw materials from the North and create a tastefull and healthy dish.

On the tour you will e.g. taste the traditional Danish lunch: an open faced sandwich called ‘smørrebrød’, which is a piece of ryebread with different kinds of topping on it. Try for instance the marinated herring or a Danish liver pate with pickled beets and bacon, just to name two on the endless list. We will also tell you all the stories about the Danish beer and snaps with a visit to a local brewery.

The sweets are just so good

On the tour you will taste samples of sweets like salty liquorice, Danish pastry and the indescribably good “flødeboller” (basically it’s a crispy little waffle with whipped egg whites and sugar covered with dark chocolate.)  Along with the sweets you will try beverages like elderflower or buckthorn.

Food restrictions

We will considerate food allergies or other food restrictions.
Please inform us when you book the tour.

Do you have any questions or would you like to book the tour? Please call or write us.

What do you know about the Danish Scientists ?

On the this tour you will be introduced to the most outstanding Danish scientists through history. You will be introduced to nobel award winners and other science superstars and see the places where they lived and worked.

We will explore the groundbreaking inventions and larger than life personalities in Danish history. For example Niels Bohr, who through science helped his german colleagues hide their nobel price medals during WWII when the Nazis tried to confiscate them.  You will also meet Tycho Brahe who covered his nose with a thin metal plade. And H.C. Ørsted who helped the founder of Carlsberg and we thus today owe great thanks for the proud Danish brewing tradition. We must not forget Ole Rømer and Inge Lehmann who you will learn much more about on this tour.

Indulge in astronomy, physics and medical peculiarities – book The Great Danish Scientist Tour.If you have any questions, specific demands or wish to book this tour, please do not hesitate to contact us.